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Come out to the screening to see these AWESOME videos before they go up on our website! The jury (Olivia Woodward, Jared Kelley, Traci Fowler, and Henry Detweiler) have selected the following videos to be shown in the July 2016 issue of Video! Video! Zine: CHILD STAR

The CHILD STAR screening is Thursday, July 30th at HUME, 3242 W Armitage Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60647. Doors at 7:00, NO PUNK ROCK TIME!!!!

No hay banda by Stephanie Kang

Mommie's Secrets by Sydney Shavers

I'll Pass by Kristen Anchor

1985 Homemade Music Video "We're Not Gonna Take It" Twisted Sister by Weird Paul Petroskey

William by Lillie West


Strawberry Shortcake by Mary Clare Pelch

Bitute Pilkoji by Ulijona Odisarija

Child, Child West by Kenny Reed and Mike Brady

I'm Dead, I'm Alive by Christopher Thompson