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OUTER VISIONS - High Zero Festival's Night of Immersive Sound & Light

The High Zero Festival kicks off its Sweet 16 anniversary by expanding your eyes and your ears. Join us on 9/16 at the Penthouse Gallery in the Copy Cat for OUTER VISIONS, immersive sound & light performances presented in a 4-channel video and sound projection cube. 


>>>> PETER BURR's 4-channel piece green | red, projected on a sixteen by nine foot projection cube. Audio by SEABAT

>>>> MARK BROWN & BENNY BOELDT's live video manipulation and music collaboration 

>>>> KRISTEN ANCHOR's improvised 16mm projector performance "Magic Movie Machine" 

>>>> TOM BORAX and his Lab Coat of Many Colors - a 4-channel live led light and synthesizer performance

>>>> LEXIE MOUNTAIN's performance installation - "Christina's World World World" 

Tuesday, September 16th
Doors 7:30 pm / show 8:30 pm

Penthouse Gallery, B501, Copy Cat Bldg, 1511 Guilford Ave