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Printmaking + Design

CD Packaging (Design and Printing), The Degenerettes


3-D Fold-out poster/cd cover, Bad Girls Go To Hell, The Degenerettes.​Concept/Design, Kristen Anchor Illustration, Emily C-D (

3-D Fold-out poster/cd cover, Bad Girls Go To Hell, The Degenerettes.​

Concept/Design, Kristen Anchor
Illustration, Emily C-D (

3-D Fold-out poster/cd cover, Bad Girls Go To Hell, The Degenerettes.​  ​

3-D Fold-out poster/cd cover, Bad Girls Go To Hell, The Degenerettes.​  

The Degenerettes Philosopher Queens, hand-printed and cut CD covers.  

The Degenerettes Philosopher Queens, hand-printed and cut CD covers.  

Alternate 16mm Film Processes

​Spray painted film, Video Boombala, July 2012 (Baltimore, MD)

​Spray painted film, Video Boombala, July 2012 (Baltimore, MD)

​Spray painted film leader

​Spray painted film leader