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Work for Hire

Recent Work for Hire (Reel)

Director, Editor, Sex files (Saddle of Centaur)

Director/Editor: Kristen Anchor Assistant Director: Amelia Voos Crew: Rahne Alexander and Christina Reitemeyer Alien: Danielle Fitzpatrick "SeX Files" off of the album Saddle 6 Pack by Saddle of Centaur Downloads available at Come to a show to get the CD + drinking game + 1.5 extra songs!

Director, Editor, Lonesome Cowboy On The Protein Deprivation Trail (Mole Suit Choir) 

Lonesome Cowboy On The Protein Deprivation Trail Music: Mole Suit Choir Words: Chris Toll Video: Kristen Anchor Paintings: Elizabeth Downing Mole Suit Choir are Liz Downing and Rupert Wondolowski

Camera, Kiddie Flamingos, A John Waters Table Read

Directed by John Waters

Camera person, Kiddie Flamingos, A John Waters Table Read, by John Waters, 2014,  Blu-Ray with 2 channel audio, Edition of 5.

Creator, Educaitonal/Tutorial Videos

This video is about the BlackMagic Production Camera! Watch this video, then make an appointment with a DMC staffer to get authorized and check it out for your next shoot!

BlackMagic 4K PC Tutorial Video

Camera, Editor, Techne (Non-Profit Fundraising Video)

Techne is an arts educational organization offering a modular set of workshops that combine art, technology, thoughtful practice, and improvisation. This video was created in support of their successful 2015 crowd-sourced fundraising campaign.  

Camera, Driven to Succeed

Directed by Mark Colegrove

Audio, Wave of Mutilaiton

Installation, Jaimes Mayhew
Performance, Jack Pinder

ABOUT THIS VIDEO This is a live performance by Jack Pinder covering the Wave of Mutilation by The Pixies in from of an inflatable sculpture by Jaimes Mayhew called The Wave of Mutilation, and is part of a collaborative project called Samesies Island. ABOUT THE PROJECT: 

Editor, C U Next Tuesday

Saddle of Centaur, Music Video
Released September 2014

From the split 7" on Discuss & Disregard Records available at Camera: Drew Szala Edit: Kristen Anchor Produced by: Frank Burkett Thanks to Dan Mummert!