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Magic Movie Machine hand painted 16mm Film Performance and Artist Talk

Wednesday, February 25, TETC 317 5p.m.  Reception to follow immediately in the Electronic Gallery, Salisbury University

In conjunction with the exhibition:

An Exploration of Place(s) Real, Imagined, Representational and Abstract.

This time-based media exhibition takes the broad idea of topography to delve into questions about place: how we define place; the roles we play in the preservation and transformation of place; and how place is represented in our memories, imaginations and shifting experiences of reality.

MEDIA INSTALLATION:  Electronic Gallery, TETC 128, open 7 days a week, 8a.m.- 8p.m.

Artists include:  Alejandro Acierto, Kristen Anchor, Matt Dombrowski, Stephen Ellis, Johanna Evans-Colley, Felix Frederick, Adam Hurwitz, Ron Lambert, Christine Lucy Latimer, Chris Lynn, Edward Morin, Paul Shortt and Filippo Tagliati.



Earlier Event: February 4
Electronica Exhibition
Later Event: March 12
Women's History Month Artist Talk